We provide information about animal health care from expert veterinarians. Includes symptoms, behavior, prevention of diseases, and information about common conditions of pets.

  • Make Your Own Puzzle Feeders For Your Cat

    It is definitely possible to make a puzzle feeder for your cat on your own. There are many simple DIY designs that can be created using materials commonly found around the house.

    One popular DIY puzzle feeder is the toilet paper roll feeder. Simply take an empty toilet paper roll and fold one end closed. Fill the tube with your cat’s favorite treats or kibble, then fold the other end closed. Your cat will then have to unroll the tube to access the food.

    Another DIY option is the cardboard box maze feeder. Cut holes of varying sizes in a cardboard box and place small amounts of food inside. Your cat will then have to use her paws or nose to navigate the maze and find the food.

    Other materials that can be used to create puzzle feeders include plastic bottles, muffin tins, and PVC pipes.

    When creating a DIY puzzle feeder, it’s important to use non-toxic materials and avoid any sharp edges or small parts that could be swallowed by your cat.

    Overall, creating a puzzle feeder for your cat on your own can be a fun and rewarding experience that provides your pet with mental and physical stimulation during mealtime.

    Know more about your pet’s nutritional needs during your pet’s health and wellness visits to your animal in hospital Bowmanville, ON.

  • Caring For Your Cat’s Teeth

    Unfortunately, a cat’s oral health is one of the most ignored parts of the grooming process. Continuously ignoring your cat’s dental health can cause multiple oral health issues which can later affect other systems of the body.

    Here are some of the easiest steps that you can take to care for your cat’s oral health:

    ●Brush your cat’s teeth.  Brushing her teeth is the most effective way yet the simplest way to remove plaque and prevent tartar buildup. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and specially formulated toothpaste for cats.

    ●Provide dental treats. Dental treats can help to clean your cat’s teeth and freshen her breath. Look for treats that are specifically formulated for dental health.

    ●Regular veterinary checkups. Your veterinarian can perform routine dental exams and cleanings to help prevent and treat dental problems.

    ●Monitor her diet. Feeding your cat a healthy diet can also help to prevent dental problems. Avoid feeding your cat sugary or sticky foods, which can promote plaque buildup.

    A good home dental regimen and regular dental checks at an animal hospital Oshawa, ON can help protect your pet against tooth and gum problems.

  • Tips For Buying A Pet Snake

    If you’re considering owning a pet snake, there are important factors to keep in mind to ensure the safety and legality of your choice. It’s crucial to research federal and state regulations regarding reptile ownership before heading to a reputable seller to purchase a snake.

    It’s important to note that certain breeds, such as venomous snakes like Cobras, are illegal to own in some states, like California. Therefore, educating yourself about the laws and guidelines is crucial to avoid any legal issues down the line.

    To ensure the well-being of your future pet, it’s recommended to purchase a captive-bred snake rather than catching one in the wild. Doing so helps eliminate stress and behavioral issues that may arise from a wild-caught snake.

    At reputable sources, there are various breeds to choose from, and they prioritize the health and safety of their animals. It’s important to keep in mind that the price of the snake should not be the main concern. Instead, focus on selecting a snake that’s best suited for your home and lifestyle, and ensure that it comes from a reputable source.

    By taking the time to educate yourself on regulations and selecting a captive-bred snake, you’ll be taking responsible steps towards being a responsible and informed snake owner.

    Your veterinarian in Bowmanville, ON is a valuable resource regarding issues affecting your pet’s health and well-being.

  • Are Samoyeds Friendly?

    Yes, Samoyeds are friendly. They’re bred to be working dogs, but they closely lived with their humans. Thus, they got used to spending time with and working for their families. Because of this setup, these dogs have developed their ability to interact well with people, even kids. 

    Samoyeds are also intelligent but strong-willed at times. They may be a handful to manage, especially for novice dog parents. Samoyed may talk a lot and air what he wants and hates by barking, howling, or bellowing. It’s best to keep the dog preoccupied so he won’t misbehave and do annoying things, including jumping over the fence, chewing shoes, getting inside trash cans, or digging in the garden. Since he also has a strong prey drive, he hardly resists cats, rabbits, and squirrels. Never leave the dog off-leash, especially when in unfenced areas. 

    You may train this dog since he’s smart and can learn fast. But employ the proper strategies to succeed in this endeavor. Use positive reinforcement methods and be creative in designing activities (avoid repetitive tasks or exercises) to give him. In addition, expose him to different people, sights, sounds, and experiences at an early age. This technique will make him well-rounded as he matures. 

    Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Oshawa, ON.

  • Chewing And Digging Of Pet Rabbits

    What do you know of rabbits apart from they love carrots? These small creatures are energetic, intelligent, and curious. But despite their size, they need various activities that can stimulate them physically and mentally. Bored rabbits aren’t happy and healthy rabbits. Thus, keep your herbivore pets preoccupied. How can you keep them engaged and entertained? Some suggestions you may consider are listed below:

    1. Enough space to move around. You may assign an entire room for them or you may set up a spacious enclosure that can serve as their living environment.
    2. Interactive toys, including wooden blocks, chew toys, cardboard boxes, and paper towel rolls.
    3. Unlimited access to veggies and fresh hay.
    4. A “digging box” containing hay or shredded papers.
    5. Time to enjoy the outdoors by preparing a bunny-proofed play area in the yard.
    6. Sufficient amounts of human interaction and socialization.

    If you have any concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior, make an appointment with an animal hospital in Bowmanville, ON.

  • Regular Wellness Checks Help Keep Your Cat Healthy

    There are several ways you can maintain your pet cat’s health between visits to the cat veterinarian.

    Schedule regular veterinary visits.

    Annual visits allow your veterinarian to identify potential cat illnesses in their early stages, administer vaccinations, and clean your cat’s teeth. Your veterinarian will typically get your pet’s weight and vital signs and have a physical examination to see if there are potential issues. If there are problems, your vet may request further tests such as blood tests or X-rays.

    Keep cat teeth clean.

    Like humans, cats can develop tartar, leading to gum disease and tooth decay. Bacteria accumulating on a cat’s teeth can also enter the bloodstream and contribute to other cat illnesses. However, unlike humans, cats cannot brush their teeth. Also, many cats do not let their owners brush their teeth. To preserve your cat’s teeth in top condition, schedule a dental cleaning by your veterinarian at least once a year.

    Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your pet hospital Bowmanville, ON.

  • Cat Breed Profile: Ocicat

    Have you seen an Ocicat? This cat is famous for the dot markings on her body. Dot markings are often associated with wildness and violence, especially in the animal kingdom. Luckily, this cat is far from being wild. 

    How was this cat breed developed? Her parents are the American Shorthair, Abyssinian, and Siamese. She got her name from a cat called ocelot. An ocelot may be a South American wild cat breed member, but she is also a domesticated cat. 

    There are many ways to keep your Ocicat entertained. You can train her to retrieve objects, and she learns quickly. This cat loves playing, so devote some of your time to her; you can keep her entertained and satisfy her desire for human connection. She loves the idea of guests too! It is another opportunity for her to find someone to play with and have fun with. This is how friendly the Ocicat is. However, there are still some who are satisfied with being approached only by the members of the family. The personalities of cats differ just like how the personalities of humans do. However, all Ocicats do not like being alone, so ensure to leave someone to accompany your cat when you’re away.

    Consult your vet in Oshawa, ON about the best ways to protect your pet from various health issues.

  • Does My Bearded Dragon Need Water?

    Keeping bearded dragons hydrated is not always as simple as giving them a water bowl and leaving it in their tank. Bearded dragons drink water while bathing, as there are no other means for them to drink and stay hydrated and refreshed.

    There are several ways that a bearded dragon can get their daily required water intake. This includes keeping their diet with enough moisture and giving them insects and fresh vegetables as these can be good sources of hydration for your dragons. 

    You can also provide water by misting (spraying) their tanks, or by using a spray bottle to supply and wet your dragon’s body with water. With this, your pets can absorb the flowing water, and it also helps your pet during shedding since having dry surroundings can make it difficult for them to remove their old skin.

    If your pet is showing signs of dehyration, contact your animal hospital in Bowmanville, ON immediately. 

  • Pointer Care

    Pointers make interesting family dogs. They’re energetic, fun-loving, and loyal. If their needs are met, they’ll return the love to their humans by being protective and trustworthy companions.

    Here are some tips on how you can properly care for a Pointer and satisfy all his needs:

    • Keep him indoors and never leave him alone outside for long hours. Pointers are people-oriented and love to feel that they “belong.”
    • Let him enjoy both indoor and outdoor activities with your family. He can go camping and hiking.
    • He thrives well in a home with a fenced yard. He’s an active and playful dog that loves to move around.
    • Give him daily physical and mental stimulation (e.g., play sessions). 
    • Exercise him daily (e.g., 1 hour per day).

    A Pointer becomes happy when he receives all the love, attention, and care he needs. And when he’s happy, he behaves well and is quiet. He’ll return the favor to you and your family by being a loyal and loving companion.

    If you have any concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior, make an appointment with a veterinary health center in Derby, KS

  • What Makes Pointers Interesting Pets?

    Most dogs make wonderful family pets. But among all dog breeds, which among them do you think suits your preferences and lifestyle? 

    Pointer is a popular breed among active and outgoing families. These dogs are fun-loving, playful, and people-oriented. Yes, that’s right. These pups love to always be around their humans and prefer to be involved in most (if not all) family happenings. 

    Another good thing about these dogs is they go well with other pups and pets, especially when raised with them. Thus, getting a Pointer as a pet wouldn’t be a problem when your household already has multiple pets. But be wary, this dog is developed as a working dog, specifically locating, chasing, and catching game birds. So leaving a Pointer with a pet bird alone in a room may lead to a disaster.

    Meanwhile, novice dog owners should think twice about taking a Pointer home for the following reasons:

    Pointers are highly energetic, active, and strong. They might be too rowdy for inexperienced pet owners.

    These dogs tend to be stubborn because of their independent minds. Thus, training them may be hard. Firmness and consistency are required for the training to succeed.

    Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital in Derby, KS.

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